Fireweed Therapy LLC

Outpatient Occupational Therapy in Your Home

Anchorage, Alaska

Fireweed Therapy LLC is a mobile outpatient occupational therapy practice specializing in senior care in Alaska. Our mission is to help seniors regain their independence and improve their quality of life by providing outstanding therapy services right in the comfort of their own homes. We accept most insurance carriers and service the greater Anchorage area with telehealth options outside of Anchorage.

Our Services

  • Strengthening

    Strengthening, balance and energy conservation so that you can get back to, or keep doing the activities YOU want to do.

  • Home modifications and Assistive Equipment

    Advice on home modifications and medical equipment to make your home safer and increase your independence in daily activities.

  • Medication Management

    Strategies and tools to help ensure you or your loved one can accurately take necessary medications to prevent errors and reduce the risk of hospitalization.

  • Adapting to New Diagnoses

    Learn to adapt to and live with a new diagnosis (for example, stroke, cardiac diagnoses, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, joint replacement). Find an empowering way forward.

  • Caregiver Training

    Family and caregiver training on how best to assist and support your loved one both physically and cognitively.

  • Fall Prevention

    Falls remain the leading cause of injury and death among older adults. Learn fall prevention, safe falling, and fall recovery techniques to reduce your risk for injury.

Alaena Bateman, OTR/L

Before discovering the occupational therapy profession, I cared for my grandparents as they aged and experienced new diagnoses and decline in health and function. I wish I could have provided them with the invaluable tools and knowledge that I later acquired through my occupational therapy education. Through the power of OT, we can help seniors regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and live comfortably in their own homes.

I founded Fireweed Therapy LLC to provide OT services to seniors in Alaska in their own home environments. I have completed specialized training in CVA rehab, dementia care, and home adaptations to better serve your unique needs. Additionally, I hold a certification as a PWR!Moves therapist, which means I am equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to support those with Parkinson's disease on their journey towards wellness. I am actively participating in continuing education to further my knowledge and stay up to date with the latest clinical evidence.

Aging can bring unique challenges, and I am committed to working with each individual to identify their specific needs and develop a personalized plan of care. Whether you are a senior seeking assistance in your daily activities or a family member looking for the best possible care for your loved one, I am here to provide the compassionate and skilled support that you need.

Contact Us

Would you or your loved one benefit from occupational therapy services? We accept most insurance carriers. Please include your insurance information if you would like to check eligibility for coverage.